Delivering promise

We started TheZoo.London with some hypotheses When we set out to create TheZoo.London, our mission was clear: to transform how businesses connect with independent consultants. We saw a gap in the market—finding expert consultants was often more about relying on personal networks than securing the right specialist for the job. Too many companies were stuck […]

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Want to succeed in consulting? Don’t sit on the fence.

A phrase we often hear in conversations is ‘I would like to make a go of consulting’. It’s a position many people find themselves in, thinking there’s a chance to change their approach to work, perhaps moving to a more fractional or portfolio career. However, they’re uncertain if it will provide for them, if it […]

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GUEST BLOG: Sponsorship and social impact – changing the narrative so everyone wins

For the third consecutive year, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) has been named as the year’s top sponsorship trend by members of the European Sponsorship Association (ESA).Despite the drop off in noise about ‘purpose marketing’ since its post-Covid peak, ESG remains a focus: research from 17 Sport, leaders in this space, shows that nearly all […]

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guest blog:the real lives of consultants

To confess, I started writing much of this as part of my year-end/beginning reflection /planning ahead for 2024, and trying to make use of the quiet time to direct my own plan and strategy. And having spoken to Rachel and Marco about it, it is now a thing to post! As I approach 5 years […]

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A Journey of Reflection and Reinvention; Six Months as a Co-founder

Reflecting on my first six months as a co-founder, if someone had told me a year ago that I’d be running my own business with a longtime colleague and loving every moment of it, I might have been shocked enough to fall off my chair. Leaving my previous job, I initially wanted to take some […]

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life at the zoo after six months

TheZoo.London has turned six months! I still sometimes sit back and wonder at how we decided to go to market with a name like TheZoo.London, but to be honest that was a big part of what we want to be, sometimes it is important to have that vision and not be put off by self […]

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